fissure sealant completely prevent dental caries ? For what purpose are fissure sealants used? On which teeth is fissure sealant applied ? Is there any harm to the fissure sealant ? On this page, we examine fissure sealants , which are often the subject of curiosity in the field of pediatric dental treatment .
Fissure Sealant? Why Fissure Sealant is Made?
In order to find an understandable answer to the question of whether fissure sealant completely prevents dental caries , it is necessary to understand what Fissures are. Therefore, let’s try to answer important questions such as what is fissure and what does the concept of fissure sealant mean.
Fissure Mean?
In order for the teeth to chew food, they need some recesses and structures such as grooves on the tooth surfaces. In this sense , fissures are a name given to these recessed or grooved structures found in molars (large and premolars) and milk teeth. In general terms , fissure means “crack”. In dentistry, fissure is a concept that is often associated with caries.
Fissure caries is used to describe the decay of molars and milk teeth in children (usually 6 years of age) that occurs before the deciduous teeth are fully erupted.
Due to the lack of proper oral care and various factors, decay in these teeth is a common situation. Leftovers from the food eaten in the recesses and grooves can easily accumulate. Dental care education given to children at an early age is extremely important.
Dental Care Education in Children
Tooth brushing education should be given to children at an early age and correctly. Parents should be with the child during the first brushing periods. Parents should complete the missing brushing of the child, especially to cover the back teeth.
It is important to set a brushing time twice a day in order to gain the habit of brushing teeth. Brushing teeth after breakfast and before going to sleep at night is beneficial for the protection of teeth. Consumed foods and liquids are also of great importance in terms of dental health. Prepared foods, sugary foods and carbonated drinks, which can harm general health as well as dental health, should not be given as much as possible.
Even if it is limited, the upper teeth should be cleaned with gentle and circular movements after ready-made and sugary foods. Especially sugary and liquid prepared foods can easily accumulate in the tooth recesses. If it is not possible to brush teeth at that moment , at least the mouth should be rinsed with some water that is not extremely hot or cold.
Care of Milk Teeth
As we mentioned above, dental care methods and diets are very important in the fight against caries. As it is known, children’s teeth are in a much more sensitive state before the permanent teeth appear. Conditions such as easy decay and fracture are common in milk teeth.
A dental examination every few months will be useful to prevent caries formation. It is not the right behavior to stay away from control by thinking that milk teeth are temporary. In case of caries, you should definitely talk to your doctor.
child dental caries treatment is required, methods such as fissure sealant and fluoride are generally applied.
Fissure Sealant Do?
the fissure sealant is to close the structures on the tooth surface, such as the recesses and grooves mentioned above. For this, specially prepared filling materials are used. Thus, food residues that come with food do not accumulate in these spaces and the possibility of caries is reduced.
fissure sealants have less risk of caries, as well as a more durable tooth structure. It is a useful practice to have a fissure sealant in order to protect the sensitive structure of milk teeth . This procedure can be performed on small and large molars and other incisors.
Who Can Have Fissure Sealant?
Fissure sealant treatment is a procedure for children. It is important for children to have this procedure done at an early stage. Fissure sealants are usually done from the age of 3-5. This procedure is more comfortable in children who have had a dental examination before. The child’s foresight and discovery of the examination environment may facilitate the work to be done.
Does Fissure Sealant Hurt?
Does fissure sealant cause pain , is one of the frequently asked questions by parents. Fissure sealant is not a painful or painful application. Therefore, there is no need for any numbing process. Fissure sealant session duration is about 6-8 minutes in a single tooth. Before the application, the teeth are cleaned and washed with special tools and liquids.
Fissure Sealant Durable?
the fissure sealant completely prevents dental caries , the durability of the fissure sealant is also a matter of curiosity. Fissure sealants are well protected in children with proper oral care. However, when very hard and harmful foods are consumed and oral care is not taken, fissures can be damaged or fall off. In this case, it would be helpful to consult your doctor.
Fissure Sealant Prevent Dental Caries Completely?
It is necessary to answer the question of whether fissure sealant completely prevents dental caries , by reminding the importance of oral care methods as above. Despite the fissure, cavities may occur in children who are not well cared for and constantly consume acidic and sugary foods . Fissure sealant has an important contribution to prevent dental caries. After the application, the responsibility for the permanent effect falls on the parents.